Ulster Hospital, Dundonald

Northern Ireland Medical & Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA)
Upper Newtownards Road
BT16 1RH

Tel: 028 9040 0000
Courses at this centre:

Please contact us to register your interest in attending IMPACT

Welcome to IMPACT

IMPACT has been running in Belfast since May 2005. Initially organised in conjunction with the Resuscitation Training Department in Belfast City Hospital, IMPACT is now run through the Northern Ireland Deanery and courses are currently delivered in the following locations:

  • Belfast Trust Clinical Skills Centre, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
  • Quality Improvement & Innovation Centre, Ulster Hospital, Dundonald
  • Centre of Medical and Dental Education and Training, Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry
  • Fern House, Antrim Area Hospital, Antrim

Courses are targeted at Core Medical trainees within the Deanery though occasionally spaces are available for trainees from other Specialties and other Deaneries.

We aim to run at least two courses per year and are always interested to hear from potential Faculty.

Please enter your email below to email the centre.